
Personal Narrative: Quest Middle School

Decent Essays

I open the door to the school hallway. Inside I hear the chatter of many students at once. There were dozens of people in the area, and I was slightly overwhelmed. This place I have entered is what I wold come to know as Quest Middle School, one of the most stressful, but interesting two years I have had in a long time. You see, I was no stranger to public schools and the like. For a few years now, I've been switched back and forth from home school to public schooling, and needless to say, I kind of got the jest of both environments. There were a few things that were bugging me about going to middle school, however, especially this one. You see, I had only fairly recently gotten out of elementary school, and was worried that middle school …show more content…

Most of the people there were obnoxious, and wanted to fit in and gain the attention of everyone else by doing the worst, craziest things. This involved things such as breaking school rules, ditching class, and etcetera. I believe at one point, a kid actually ran a dangerous distance away from the school in order to gain recognition from his or her peers, or possibly some other unknown reason. Other than that, there were the usual loud-mouthed brats who seemed as if they were going to be unemployed in the future due to utter laziness and recklessness, people who acted as if they were the nicest around but were actually manipulative and snobby, and the list goes …show more content…

They would always get into new things, like a movie or a show, pretty much anything, and I felt like I had to get into that specific point of interest, even if I didn't enjoy it myself, in order to converse with them. It was very difficult to talk to them unless you knew about what they were talking about, and it would somehow always focus on that specific topic, even if the subject gets changed slightly. Sometimes, I even felt like some of my interests were ignored, which didn't feel good and made my experiences with them less enjoyable. Even when I finally manage to get myself into their current interest, they seem to move on to a new one almost immediately. There was also pointless angst as well as drama in that friend group, and all of that didn't make the friendship easier for me. I didn't leave the group because I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, plus I felt that I would be judged and my social life there could be ruined at Quest if I tried. I wasn't worried because I cared about what many people there thought of me, I just felt like it would cause problems when trying to work on group projects with people. To this day, this is still a decision I regret. This is because later on in my second year here I found another friend group with less drama and pressure than my original one. Due to me being scared, however, I didn't get to hang out with them much. It makes me disappointed that my

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