
Personal Narrative-Red Hair

Satisfactory Essays

While I don't usually do prompts, I figured it couldn't hurt to tell whoever is reading this a little more about myself. I've changed slightly since Creative Writing 1, so I might as well make a little update. That being said, here are 5 things about me: 1. I currently have pinkish-purple hair. I'll probably dye it again in another month or so, despite my dad's dislike of the habit. 2. I tend to complain a lot, which you might notice later on. 3. While I often come across as shy and quiet, those who know me well know I can be quite talkative and annoying at times. 4. I'm incredibly indecisive. For example, I've restarted this post at least four times already in an attempt to make it sound ideal. 5. I have a great interest in

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