
Personal Narrative: Southern British Columbia

Decent Essays

British Columbia, Canada — is where the small family of three would be spending their two week vacation. The trip had not been planned too thoroughly, and in fact the location was picked strictly because Charlie had decided to throw a dart into the map. It was easier than trying to pick a specific place and Charlie didn't particularly care where he ended up, so long as he was with his family. After everything that had happened in the past year, Charlie felt that he, Sloan and their son deserved time away from the chaos in Boston. It would be great to do something as a family, and Canada would be the perfect place to relax.

It wasn't too exotic, but it was new and the scenery was sensational. Southern British Columbia offered views of glistening lakes that were surrounded by rocky mountains and endless amounts of green trees. — Alexander was completely fine by now, but Charlie was still in the habit of keeping him within arms length. "Can we go up there?" Alex asked, pointing towards …show more content…

They hadn't meant to go far in the first place but it was habit for both Dalca boys to wander off in spur of the moment decisions. They were suppose to be playing in the backyard, but this backyard happened to lead into woods and it was an adventure neither could pass up. "Be careful, bud." Charlie warned when Alex nearly tripped over a fallen tree branch. He didn't think he'd ever get out of this over protective father mode. — within minutes their small log cabin came into view and Charlie followed as Alex rushed in the open door. He immediately began calling for Sloan, which was like music to Charlie's ears — he truly did love having his family all in one place, especially a place like this. It was peaceful, quiet, beautiful and they could simply forget the troubles of the outside world for

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