
Personal Narrative: The Bellamy Brothers

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‘If I said you have a beautiful body would you hold it against me?’ – The Bellamy Brothers

My warped view is based on being a man; I’m not qualified to review on a minefield subject such as this. I’ve an acquaintance who is man, he’s dressed as a woman for half a decade, considered the sex change op for years but glad he kept his tackle, because he now lives life as a man. Being a woman gave him a heart scare – he seems happier now that he’s not shopping all the time and being worried about his figure.

From the off, I’ve never participated in transgender entities, it doesn't appeal to me; I'm too content in my own skin to digress into the unknown and live life as a woman. I’m not condoning it. I suppose it’s all that kerfaffling with cosmetic facial engineering under the loose tag-line of brand awareness would send me loopy. So hands up, I'm …show more content…

Men are mere pawns in a superfluous world of material girls; if you don’t play they assume you’re gay. Tough for the few who relish authenticity in a capitalistic world telling us what we want and what we need. Women are the ones who take note; men have to abide to their tough love to sustain anything resembling a relationship. Why women are toughest. In regards to break ups, men suffer the longest; doubly so if children are involved. The requirement of Fathers For Justice movement is a fine illustration of the corrosive disorder our legal system puts on men; to deal with the dysfunctional decree– men are the toughest, then again the weakest while putting up a defense for equal parental rights on grounds that the majority of men still have the ‘we could still get back together as a family unit’ sitting at the back of his consciousness. I know far too many guys who’ve got this niggling feeling. Is it tougher to stick it out or tougher to start all over again? Again there’s no definitive

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