
Personal Narrative: The Game Of Pain

Decent Essays

On December 4, 2012, fourth game of the season I go down in pain holding my knee. Sprawled out on the court, listening to all of the fans look at me in shock and concern, wondering if I’ll be okay. As I lay on the court, all I can think to myself was, my grandparents came to watch me; I can’t get hurt. Coach Square came over, he said to me, “Marnie calm down, just breathe.” Sitting there for a moment to catch my breath, I started to cry. I then stood up cautiously to walk back to the bench, but I could not put any weight on my leg. The coach then assisted me by carrying me off to the bench. When I took a seat, the medical trainer came over by me and asked me a series of different questions. “What is your pain level? One being the least …show more content…

When I arrived, the physical therapists were extremely friendly and asked me how I injured myself. I explained with a smile, “I was playing basketball, and I went up for a pass and came down wrong on my knee.” Time went by, and they continued to chat with me, as well as, do some painless exercises to help my range of motion; likewise, they were very gentle, because it was my first day after surgery. When doing different exercises, I had to take my brace off, so I could move my knee better. Since it was my first time, I was extremely panicked, because it was all so new for me, and I didn’t want anything to go wrong. The therapist saw the worry on my face and said, “Don’t worry, everything will be fine, I won’t hurt you.” With that being said, I felt more comfortable and took off my brace and began doing the different exercises with the guidance of the therapist, and as soon as I was done doing a various amount of different activities; the therapists gave me ice to ice my knee for a certain amount of time. Going to therapy three times a week, helped me strengthen my knee and also encouraged me to get back out on the basketball

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