Fear is an emotion caused by a prediction of the unknown. I have done many things in my life to counteract my fears, yet no matter what I did fear was always present at home. In college, I saw an advertisement that had bold letters written on it “Leave everything behind and look up to the stars” by NASA. After graduation, I pursued to fulfill all the requirements to become an astronaut. I obtained a BA in engineering, reached a minimum of 1,000 hours of flight time, and had regular body checkups to see if I was fit enough. It took a while but I was eventually sent to the International Space Station for a mission. When my time in the ISS was up my superiors told me I was to get prepared for another mission.
“what kind of mission” I asked.
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I could feel and hear the thunderous roar of the rocket engine, imagining that just behind my chair two huge tanks with fuel and oxygen connected by a series of pipes that intersect at a specific point where they would have a controlled combustion chamber. In order for this rocket to successfully launched we planned out that the thrust (2)(the force which moves an object through the air which is from the propulsion system of the object) needed to be much more powerful (using F=ma) than the forces pointing back to earth; weight force and drag force (Newtons third law on forces must be equal for every action and reaction). I remembered with my time flying a jet we often had to realize the relationship with thrust (thrust is the motion going in the direction and the other forces that can point in other directions are lift, drag, and weight). I realized during my time doing these calculations how grateful I was during my time with planes. For thrust we calculated that we needed more speed than the weight force is the mass times gravity (3) (The force given off by a planet or other another body that draws an object toward it). We had to keep in account of the earth’s gravity (earths gravitational force is 9.81 m/S^2) to be able to leave. The rockets speed needed to be at least 40,000 km/h otherwise the earth would pull me and my rocket back to earth. during the calculation phase of the mission
Riding Rockets: The Outrageous Tales of a Space Shuttle Astronaut is a memoir written by Astronaut Mike Mullane. Throughout his memoir, Mullane takes readers on a journey spanning the majority of his life – adventuring across southwest America with his parents and siblings, camping out under the stars and making homemade rockets, attending West Point and serving in the United States Airforce – all the way up to his retirement from the United States Air Force and The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). However, from the minutia of desk life to the thrill of his three Space Shuttle missions, it is his detailed and unique insight during his time as a NASA astronaut that composes the majority of his story and is especially intriguing.
Everybody has a different perspective on fear and everybody is affected differently. The Mental Health Foundation stated that, “Fear can last for a short time and then pass but it can also last much longer and stay with us. In some cases it can take over our lives, affecting appetite, sleep, and concentration for long periods of time. Fear stops us from travelling, going to work or school, or even leaving the house.” This quote shows that fear does not affect people as much as it does to others. Although, fear can affect people for a long time which can cause them to stay isolated from others. There are many types of fears and some examples of fears include: the fear of the number 13, the fear of spiders, the fear of heights, and many others. There are hundreds of fears and many people have these fears and everybody is affected differently.
When I joined my high school's Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps in my freshman year, the model rocketry team was near the bottom of the list of extracurricular activities I was interested in. Instead, I was interested in the cool military-like activities, like drill or marksmanship. As I spent more time in the JROTC, however, I found that the team that I was the least interested in were the ones that suited me the best. The team had simple goals that turned out to be interestingly complicated as I became better at their activities.
Fear is defined as “a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid” (“Fear”). Fear is the feeling a person has when he or she is in a situation which scares or frightens him or her. Fear is the feeling someone has when walking through a dark alley, coming in contact with a snake in Biology class, or when reaching the top of the roller coaster. Some people suggest fear is always a harmful emotion, but instead fear is what protects a person from danger and increases a person’s chance of safety.
There are the fears that are out of our control such as hunger, war, and death but just because those few ideals are beyond our own control don’t mean we shouldn’t take control of what can be within our control. There are modifiable changes such as participating in class and getting the confidence to give a speech but so many more realities are within our reach to change. There is a power within us all that can alter the outcome of demanding jobs, heartbreaking relationships, and even our state of mind if we all just take it upon ourselves establish a sense of control when in comes to fear. I for one was hesitant and fearful of starting my first day on the Mayo Clinic neurology floor. I had spent all day fretting about what if I did something wrong or what if I didn’t know the answers to questions patients asked me but once I actually arrived to clinical on the first day and put myself in a position where I would be able to help others, my fear started to fade away. My initial response may be a weary one to overcome but if I was to resist facing my fears in life, an unwanted course of action may have been chosen that could alter the outcomes for the patients. Due to taking control of ones own course of change the result will be was way more beneficial than one that could have forced upon me. This was a scary task to complete and yes it was be a difficult decision to
One day my 6th grade class took a field trip to NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and saw many prodigious spacecrafts but the only one I rejoice in Atlas V rocket. This particular rocket is the fastest rocket and feels very pleasant to use. So I sat in it and took a close look of the rocket, took selfies and all the gears. Suddenly the teacher called me.
There will always be something new to fear, but you can't let that hold you back. What if you don't ever take a risk and miss out on something that can change your life forever!? Although fear has its bads, you can always learn from
Everyone has their own fears in life. Some people fear a certain type of animal, while others might fear losing a loved one. About three years ago, I had many fears that I still have today. Such as a deathly fear of heights, the thought of not being good enough, and lastly the fear of failure.
Imagine walking up to your parents, a look of pure disappointment on their faces. Reality has struck, and you walk to you room, ashamed. Or standing in front of a judge or audience, all intently watching you. You start to play, but you mess up, and you know you failed.Fear helped me get through this. Fear helped me get my grade up. Fear helped me practice so I wouldn't mess up my notes. you should embrace your fear because it can help, or even save you, in some situations. Having a sense of fear can help you in situations, whether it be from a small insect to skydiving. Some people, like me, have a fear of a bad grade. For others it's nothing much, and they think nothing of it. For me, it's like torture. It means taking away all forms of entertainment from me for 2-3 weeks.
Conceivably, everyone experiences some degree of fear at some point in their life. For instance, whether it is flying for the first time or taking their drivers test, the list can go on and on as to what people fear. On the other hand, however, when clinicians are noticing fear or anxiety occurring the majority of the time regardless of the situation and preventing someone from participating in family activities, job related tasks or interferes with other activities
Fear is a barrier that stands in the way of success. Fear beats down on people and convinces them that reaching their dreams and accomplishing their goals is impossible and will only lead to failure and embarrassment. If left unchecked fear causes people to live their whole lives shut in, never going out in the world or accomplishing anything. According to Brian Tracy, a motivational speaker and self- development author, “The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear.” (Tracy) Unfortunately, too many people in this world let the focus on fear take over and never accomplish anything. Fear only serves as an obstacle to success, there is no benefit to it. Fear is not what keeps people from leaping off of buildings, or diving into fires. Common sense is what tells people not to do these reckless and dangerous things. Fear is what keeps people from asking for the raise, or starting their business, or picking the major for the profession that they truly love. Fear is the nagging voice in people’s heads telling them they can never succeed and are better off doing nothing; successful people are the ones who are able to ignore this voice and continue on despite it.
Fear is a sign that someone is doing something good or awesome, olympic athletes, football players, they all feel anxiety and fear; that's what makes them great,
Being scared of something is a terrible feeling. It can lead to a wrong decision or action. Fear can construct our life into something we do not want because it can keep us from accomplishing things, keeps us from living the life or dream we want, and can prevent us from learning things we want. I believe that fear is the most controlling and feared enemy in our lives and it greatly affects our everyday lives.
Fear is a constant temptation in this life. Fear is a feeling or emotion that we must address and confront on a regular basis. Fear travels the globe and ensnares human minds at times like a slowly spreading flame that can grow into a powerful and destructive wildfire. Fear can emotionally paralyze humans, cloud judgement and divert the best plans of mankind. Fear can also be life saving when it stops those scared of heights from plummeting off the edge of the Grand Canyon. Fear of failure can propel students forward into success on their projects and studies for school. Fear appears in many different forms, however, fear is a word that unites humanity as we all feel it and are familiar with it.
Fear is a unique feeling, you can overcome a fear. We all have fears, but we can decide if we want them to continue in our life or to disappear. I feel that I will be able to overcome my fear once I'm in the university and start my path. My biggest fear is not accomplished my personal goals, and like any person I'm afraid to confront them and begin. Even though I fear of it, I am certain that all my dreams and task will not be a challenge. I have no doubt that I will be able to be what I want to be. In conclusion Fear is just a feeling nota life style and if you let it rule you it will rule your entire