
Personal Narrative: The Mama Challenge

Decent Essays

My family has lived in Ohio all our lives, but we decided to move, along with my friend and her family. We moved to Oakland, California when I was thirteen. I, Madison Gayle Harrington, and My Friend, Miley Ann McNeally, Have Been making YouTube videos ever since we were sixteen. I have two older sisters, Hailey who is twenty two and Angelica who is twenty and one older brother, William who is twenty one, who I don't see. I'm in my senior year of high school. I'm seventeen turning eighteen. Miley and I are going to make a YouTube video. It's a challenge that we made up (i think) called The Mama Challenge. It's a challenge to see who can be the better mama. We have Gerald judging the challenge. Miley and I babysit my neighbors kids. I'm going to take care of Jasmine and Miley will take care of Jemma. "Hey G," Says Miley. "Sup," He says Back coolly. "And I'm here too," I say. "Aww, no one could forget about baby girl. Now could we?" Gerald says picking me up and spinning me in the air. He didn't put me down. "Will you put me down?" I command. "Why?" He Asks. "Because," I reply. "Fine," He then puts …show more content…

Welcome back to another video!" G comes back in and we introduce him. "This is Gerald and he will be judging this challenge called The Mama Challenge. It is where me and Miley have a series of things to do with the children and whomever does the best wins. And I guess has a shot for a reward but if you lose. That's the catch. You have to get drunk. I hope it's me," I say. "Oh and don't get drunk if you're under 21. Let's begin," Miley says. "The first thing is feed the child," G says. I grab yogurt from the fridge and do this thing my aunt would do. Oh and what Richard Baker, Who I called little Rich, would do to Miley. We have boyfriends. My boyfriends name is Jax Butler and hers is Nolan Hicks. That's way off topic. "Here comes the airplane, Jazz. *wizz noises*" I say. She didn't eat it. I kept on trying but she didn't eat it. So I lost that

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