
Personal Narrative: The New Nerf Gun

Satisfactory Essays

Have you ever wanted something so much that you'll explode if you don't get it?Well that’s how I felt when I wanted to buy the new Nerf gun at a store. So I was at a store one day and I had some money to spend and I was in the store and I saw the brand new Nerf gun that just came out and my mind just went boom!"I asked my mom if I could buy it". She said "Yes". I was so happy I was going to burst but there was one problem I didn’t have enough money to buy it because of the tax. My mom said “Well I guess you can’t buy it”. I freaked out I started to find ways to get this Nerf gun untill I said how about you pay the tax and I pay the rest. She said “Ok”. I grabbed the money out of my pocket and grabbed the Nerf gun and

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