
Personal Narrative: The Story Of Me

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You walk too soon see a staircase;it seems never ending willing to touch the stars. Climbing the staircase until you’re tired, you find you are among the clouds; too high up to see what the surface of the earth used to be. You feel limitless, the breeze flowing through your hair and no skyscrapers to block your view of the wonderful part the world you live – Toronto. Each cloud seemed to have represented every memory, emotion, adventure, and achievement you have ever experienced in your life and everyone that has helped you in your beginning of life. From family members to pet peeves, ethnicity to my earliest memory, you’ll now know everything that describes who I am. A story only I can tell, The Story of Me.
A baby is born
At approximately 6:30 am on Wednesday, June 23rd, 2004 in Toronto Ontario at Scarborough General hospital a baby was born. A new addition to the family of five to soon turn into a family of six. Weel, me, of course. 8 pounds 1 ounce. I will have to assume that 6:30am was too early of my sister and two brothers since only my dad was there, besides the nurses and doctors. Little did I know that my trip into the world would be wonderful.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t say that from …show more content…

In fact, I've only been to Guyana and that was ages ago. But, I will list 3 countries I would like to visit. Firstly, I would like to go to Paris, France. Not only to see the Eiffel tower ( but I suppose that would be a plus) but to visit my uncle and my cousin. The second country I would like to visit would be the united states, preferably California of Florida. I've never been across the border before and it would be nice to see how different or similar it is to here in Toronto. The last country I would like to visit would be Hawaii, of course for the hotter weather and exotic beaches there. I hope to in the future to visit more places in the world and learn new cultures, taste new foods, and see popular

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