
Personal Narrative : The Unexpected Sibling

Decent Essays

The Unexpected Sibling
I stared at the worksheet in front of me thinking hard. Math had always been my least favorite subject and I was trying my best to focus on the work in front of me. “Kaurwaki!,” my mom yelled from the living room. “I’m coming,” I answered back, grateful for a reason to stop working on my homework. I walked into the living room and saw both my parents staring at me with a weird look on their faces. My mom motioned for me to sit on the couch and said, “We need to talk to you.” My mind started racing thinking of all the bad things I had ever done to deserve a confrontational conversation. My mom looked at me with a serious expression and asked, “Would you rather have a dog or a baby brother.” “A dog, of course,” I answered, slightly confused at the question but hoping that my parents would finally be giving in to the years I have spent relentlessly asking for one.
My mom turned to my dad and then looked back at me saying, “Well, you’re getting a brother instead.” I stared at her with an incredulous expression on my face. I raised an eyebrow, something I have been practicing for quite a long time I might add, and looked at her for a few moments. When my parents called me to talk, this was the last thing I expected.“You’re serious,” I stuttered. “Of course we are,” my dad replied, joining the conversation. “That’s great!,” I exclaimed. I would finally be getting a sibling to play with after spending so long being an only child. My mom told me when she

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