
Personal Narrative: Violence And Violence In High School

Decent Essays

School wasn’t all terror and violence. Sometimes it was almost fun, sometimes part of me didn’t want it to end. Of course there were the bad days where I couldn’t get past number one on a pre calculus assignment or when KJ decides to give us a test the last day before exams, but it wasn’t all like that. There was always homecoming, sporting events, and summer. It was nearing the end of summer after sophomore year but there was still a day we were all waiting for. Jacquie was coming home for her senior year. It was a Sunday and we were all anxiously waiting for to get into town. Finally after waiting on my couch for who knows how long, a car pulled up in my driveway. I ran out the door to greet her with hugs. It had been only 5 months but …show more content…

I was a little nervous and I had heard some stories. Walking up the hill I could already hear the yelling of the senior boys who were a foot taller than me and probably three times my weight. You could say I was a little scared. I walked up to the front doors of NHS which were now covered with black garbage bags so nothing inside was to be seen. I opened the doors just to see Hunter Ridley and many other senior boys towering over me yelling as loud as they could. I opened the next door with relief thinking I was done just to see a long tunnel of screaming seniors that I had to walk through. Not a highlight of my freshman …show more content…

We heard Alexis’ dad coming down the stairs so we all pretended to be sleeping on the couch. When he got in the shower we all sat up and realized we wanted to do something. Alexis opened her bathroom door and told her dad we were going upstairs to sleep. We then ran out the front door and down the alley. It was cold, we had nothing to do. I’m not really sure why we did this, there wasn’t anything to do at 5am. Back in the 3rd grade there was a boy named Cameron Jackson. He was pitching in a kickball game out on the playground during recess. Preston Koski wanted a turn so he asked the teacher if he could, she said yes. Preston went up to get the ball from Cameron but instead of giving him the kickball Cameron pushed Preston and took off. He ran around the school and down other streets. Many little elementary schoolers saw Cameron run by their classroom window. A few seconds later, a few teachers chasing after him. No one ever saw him

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