
Personal Narrative-Vodka In High School

Decent Essays

Fall Down Seven Times, Stand Up Eight Having 750ml of vodka in the system of a 110 pound girl can’t be healthy. Now think of how bad it would be if that 750ml were consumed in a two hour time period during what seemed to be a perfectly normal school day. That 110 pound girl, it was me. What was going through my mind the seconds before I looked at a 750ml bottle of vodka in my bag and decided that taking a swig was a good idea comes as a wonder to everyone, including myself. Though the real problem was not the stupidity of my action, but the desperation no 750ml bottle of vodka could compensate for. There I was going through the motions of a high schooler's life: waking up, going to school, sitting there wishing I was anywhere else, …show more content…

All of a sudden my scattered thoughts were going a million miles per second and I felt like I was losing the ability to breathe. I looked down at my bag and realized that I had left a bottle of vodka, someone had offered me the weekend before, in with my books. In that moment all sense of good judgement was thrown out the window. I impulsively decided to drink the entire …show more content…

I stumbled through the door and immediately fell to my knees crying. I curled up on the floor begging someone to take away my pain. I screamed, literally and metaphorically, for help. I needed someone to understand the feeling of doom and drowning and emptiness and lifelessness that tormented me. I wish I could explain what was going through my mind when I had come to the conclusion that getting blackout drunk during school hours was a mighty fine idea, but it wasn’t that simple. I knew it wasn’t a good idea; I am not a stupid person. I knew it wasn’t a good idea, but I didn’t care. I didn’t care about this awful mistake I was making because all I wanted was to make those loud nagging thoughts running through my brain to finally shut up. What’s a better way to stop yourself from overthinking than by drinking until you’re incapable of forming a rational thought? After having let everyone know all of my deep rooted emotional issues in one of the most dramatic ways possible, screaming it at every teacher, police officer, parental figure, and ambulance worker around, I assumed there would be a harsh backlash. I was wrong; the world just kept on spinning. Life threw one thing after another after another at me until I realized that if I wanted help I would have to seek it out

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