
Personal Narrative: What Changed Me?

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What Changed Me? Some people think that your life has already been planned and there is no straying from your destiny. However I, believe that one simple choice or one catastrophic event can change everything in an instant. Change can be chosen or forced, also difficult and scary. Some people don’t think of it as difficult and scary, but more welcomed and beneficial. Those people tend to be impulsive in their decisions, without caring or worrying about the consequences. I cannot do that. I over analyze and break everything down. I expect the worst outcome before I think anything good can happen. It wasn’t always like that. When I was younger, I was that carefree person. That all changed on June 8th, 2008, when my eldest son got …show more content…

There was so much blood, but I knew my main focus was to keep him awake. He kept saying, “Mommy can we go inside? I want to go to sleep”, “No baby we have to wait out here for the ambulance. They have to take you to the hospital”, I replied. I started asking him questions about the party, trying to keep him engaged and awake. My eyes ran over his body. He had been dragged twenty-eight feet on the pavement. The right side of his torso was covered in road rash. Pebbles were imbedded in his armpit. The left side of his scalp had been peeled back to the back of his head, exposing his skull exposed. I started to ask questions about what happened. One of the parents explained that an eleven year old and twelve year old were driving the golf cart. When the child hit Kody, instead of stopping he accelerated. Kody’s body folded and he was dragged down the street. One of the fathers were finally able to get the boy to stop and that’s when the other fathers came to pick the golf cart …show more content…

I wanted to make him feel the pain I was going through for my son, but I knew if I did anything wrong I would be in the back of a police car instead of the ambulance with my son. When we arrived at MUSC the Neonatal Surgeon told me Kody should be toe tagged and in the morgue. A child that has sustained this amount of injuries would have a bleak outcome. No parent ever wants to hear that about their child. He had several skull fractures. One skull fracture required a metal plate be put in his head. He had some bleeding in his brain from where one of the bone fragments pierced the membrane that protects the brain. He had a tremendous amount of road rash on his torso and the pebbles that were imbedded in his armpit had be removed during surgery. His surgery lasted a few hours, but it felt like an eternity to me. When he finally emerged from the recovery unit, he was starting to look like my little boy again. The doctors were amazed at how fast he woke up after surgery. The first thing he asked me for was waffles and chocolate milk. I knew then that he was going to be alright. We stayed at MUSC for a week and the nurses taught me how to gently change his bandages and apply the topical cream to his

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