This is a question, I often ask myself from time to time. What does it mean to be the Church? For many of us, being the church tends to be a place filled with friends, filled with history, it tends to be a place where most (if not all for some) of our social interactions take place, and it is also a place where we hear reflections on Scripture. There are times though when I am troubled by the Church. I am troubled because sometimes when I read the news, I am seeing various church bodies tearing down people or groups of society or even only focused on themselves. When a church becomes inwardly focused, trouble begins to arise. There begins to be this sense of not knowing what is going on in the community around them or even the world. Congregations
For many years, I have worked in ministry as a support ministry member. In 1993-1997, I served as Administrator at Beacon Light Full Gospel Baptist Church under the leadership of Bishop Darryl S. Bister. I was responsible for all of his appointments, drafting of documents, and overseer of additional staff members and responsible for the day to day operations. In 1997, I was called to Greater St. Stephen Full Gospel Baptist Church with my husband under Bishop Paul S. Morton, Sr. I served in many capacities in this ministry from worship leader to Administrator to the Registrar for Greater St. Stephens School of Ministry. My husband along with our 3 children was then called to Denver, Colorado to serve at Heritage Christian Center under Bishop Dennis Leonard. We serve in that ministry
Church, temple, sanctuary, or the Lords’s house, these are just a few names that your average person might call the place you come to worship God, I have always called it home. The Church I have been attending, Memorial Baptist Church, which is also where I attend high school, I have been attending since I was the age of three years old. Moving to the area that my family lives in now, I do not believe is any accident. At the age of two years old, my father was stationed in Tennessee for the military. After passing away from brain cancer, my Mother moved my two older sisters and me to Killeen Texas, to be closer to her family. Memorial Baptist Church was the only church we have ever been members of since moving to Texas, it has always felt like
I attend Gospel Light Freewill Independent Baptist Church in Thomasville, NC. It’s a relatively small church, with about 50-70 people on a Sunday morning. My grandmother, my aunt, and my uncle attend this church as well. I consider myself to be a child of God and a true “born again” Christian. Being “born again” means that one has accepted God into their heart and has been changed on the inside. I accepted him into my heart on October 9th, 2012. Growing up strictly in an independent Baptist church, I didn’t know that other churches were different, at least not until I visited my boyfriend’s church which is Southern Baptist. My pastor preaches heavily on hell-fire and brimstone. He walks up and down the altar, yelling and jumping. There are
After worship at church, our team rented a Mercedes van and a minivan. It was my first time in a van and it was pretty cool. This van was especially large and could seat 18 people. During the time we were on the road, I got to read a book, talk with my dad, and talk with my friends. We got to eat dinner at Chipotle and we drove to the church. We passed the houses, which were very small. Some of them of them had a weather-beaten and rundown look. Finally, we arrived at Eight Street Community Church..
In 1920s, due to urbanization, Chicago’s population was 2.7 million, which is 90 times more than in 1870s. European immigrants and people from rural places moved to cities. This demographic change brought, among other things, new religious. Catholics, Jews, Protestants, Christians, and also Irish, Poland, Italy Catholics, European Jews, black Protestants from the American South and Midwest. They all had to learn how to live together and respect each other.
Throughout my time with the Methodist church, I have experienced great opportunities and also many challenges. My family and I have been taught by a man who I think to be one of the most godly men I have ever met. Reverend Felder has always had a positive outlook on St. Luke UMC future even through trials and adversity. In fact, I truly think the Lord used him to save St. Luke because when he became pastor the city of Augusta had the land the church occupied labeled a future parking lot. However Felder had a vision for the church and the vision included having the sanctuary packed with families from the neighborhood of Harrisburg. The church is now an entity in the neighborhood that it was not before Reverend Felder came, and while is has a
The story starts off with Odysseus the king of Ithaca fighting and winning the Trojan war. After 10 years at war he starts his journey to Ithaca, on the way there his crew is killed and loses all his ships he survives our of his intelligence and cunning skills. Back at Ithaca everyone believes that he is Odysseus is dead so all the nobles from nearby islands try to get the wife of Odysseus to rule the kingdom. Telemachus Odysseus son finds out that Odysseus is not dead from Athena. So Athena tells Telemachus to go to the kingdoms that fought with his father in the Trojan war and find clues to were he is. Telemachus finds out that hes father is not dead and is stuck on a island and Telemachus gets a crew together and goes out to save his father and kingdom.
In addition, going to the baptist church made me realize that no matter what your culture is, humans all want the same things. People want a sense of meaning and purpose, and to feel inspired, hopeful, unconditionally loved, accepted, and uplifted. People want to have an understanding of who they are, and what that entails. When people are feeling scared and insecure about the present and future, they demand explanations for the unknown, or the difficult elements of their life. Furthermore, people need order, structure, and security in their lives by being told what they should think/believe, how they should behave. People also seek a sense of belonging and community. Overall,it doesn’t matter if you’re Jewish, Christian, Caucasian, or African American, at the end of the day, humans generally all want the same thing, but just have different ways of showing it or expressing it.
Today was a boring and very uncomfortable day for me. Everyone know my last day here at Grace Christian Center is tomorrow so everyone is telling me that they’re sorry that I’m leaving. I’m not sure if its true or not , but its nice to hear. When I walked through the doors of GCC I went straight back to my seat and started cleaning out my desk. I don’t have much in there but I want to make sure that I leave it in better shape than when I got it. Just because I’m leaving doesn’t mean that I have to leave my work area cluttered. After cleaning up my area I decided that I was going to go downstairs to eat lunch with the rest of the staff member, which was odd because that’s something that I normally run away from. Me and the staff ate
If I were to start my own Faith Community Practice I would first plan to sign up for EMU's online Faith Community Nursing Course in order to fully understand what a FCN is and how best to go about establishing my own practice. With that first challenge out of the way once completing the course, I would go about facing my other challenges. One challenge that I would most likely face is where to set up my practice. I would most likely want to start my practice in service to my home church at Lindale Mennonite church. I don't believe we have a FCN practice there and I think it would an amazing opportunity to serve my home church in that manner if they allow. My challenge within that is where to actually set up my practice whether that be coordinating
If I were to start my own Faith Community Practice I would first plan to sign up for EMU's online Faith Community Nursing Course in order to fully understand what an FCN is and how best to go about establishing my own practice. After completing the course, spend however much time I needed to figure out how exactly I want to run my practice. After figuring out a baseline plan, I would go about facing my other challenges. One challenge that I would most likely face is where to set up my practice. I would most likely want to start my practice in service to my home church at Lindale Mennonite Church. I don't believe we have an FCN practice there and I think it would an amazing opportunity to serve my home church in that manner if they allow. My
Throughout this paper, four articles about differentiated instruction will be analyzed, and the information in those articles will be broken down and synthesized to further exemplify how important it is that schools across the world use this system of instruction and learning. My definition of differentiated instruction from what I have learned, is that it is a system in the classroom set up by the teachers or school, that allows students with intellectual disabilities to be able to learn information they may not understand in other ways, which would give them a chance to stay on track with
Humans from my own point of view are God's creation, because the bible makes me understand that humans were created in God's image, and during the creation of man, God blew the breath of life into man to make him come alive. I assume the reason humans are so unique is that they were created like God. The reason why humans are the best of all creation is that they can think, invent new things, and have dominion of all other creatures on earth. Humans are the only living creation that is conscious of their own existence, because they have advanced knowledge and skills to do things, for example, humans can clothe themselves, cook their foods, and even invent numerous technologies. Humans have a well-regulated sense that is able to
Interviewing several pastors can be eye opening in that you will begin to see different character qualities, disciplines and where they are in their spiritual journey. My intention was to interview several pastors, however, I was unable to obtain the responses needed to complete a study such as that. I did get to meet with one pastor, and I believe that it was truly difficult for him to answer most of the questions even after giving him some time to think about each question. My interview was with a very intelligent and spiritual man named Les Harvey. He is currently serving at the Church of the Highlands Greystone campus under many great leaders.
Following the harmful addiction of marijuana and cocaine, tobacco is becoming more dangerous and damaging drug in the world. Due to its increasing effect in deteriorating health and death tolls on humans, it has become the main concern for many governments and forced them to act and take measures to minimize the damage caused by tobacco products. One typical example of these authorities is the Indian government. For this session of written assignment, I will analyze a case study of ban on tobacco Ads by Indian government.