
Personal Narrative: What I Believe In

Satisfactory Essays

Throughout my life i have realised that what i believe in isn't so much that humans are capable of many great things, but more so that they can be incredibly heartless people and aren't always who they seem. This also goes along with my other belief that life is unforgiving and that no matter what you think or hope for, you can't change what happens. You can only change how you react to it. It's been a long journey to come to this realisation. But it was worth every step of the way.

When i was 5 years old i was diagnosed with autism, tourette syndrome, and ADHD, which made my life in public extremely hard. Being bullied or messing up relationships because i said stuff i didn't know wasn't socially normal, i ended up becoming really sad and …show more content…

Imagine being told you can't go out to eat with your friends or family, or can't have food that your friend made for you. Soon after this i tried committing suicide. I was stopped and am happy i didn't do something so stupid and am trying my hardest to cherish the people i love and make memories with my friends.

The world can be cruel and nothing will change that. But only we and no one else have the power to decide how we deal with it. Today, at the age of 15, i am doing better than ever and aren't phased by my conditions. My tourette syndrome is basically non existent because it has happened very little ever since i changed my diet to accommodate my metabolic condition. I have good friends that i have online, and even tho we haven't met, i have had a friend for 3 years, who will listen to anything i have to say, and i will be there for him.

For anyone who is going through a rough time, while easier said than done, it's better to make good memories to have forever, than to be stuck in life thinking about bad ones from the past. 10 years from now, you wont remember them. Just remember that the world can, and will be cruel sometimes, and you cant change it. The only thing that matters is how you choose to react to it, which is something you and nobody else can

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