
Personal Narrative-What Is A Hero?

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What is a hero? It was a quiet July morning in 2014. I was soundly asleep in my bed. No worries about having to wake up and be somewhere. My sleep was disturbed by some noises upstairs, but saying I have four younger siblings this was nothing to be alarmed about, I just shook this off as nothing and went back to my carefree slumber. A little bit of time passed and I was awoken by my younger sister. “ Jacky you need to wake up, Evan had a seizure” These words ran through my head at the speed of light.I reacted as anyone would have reacted to the news that their baby brother, who was only a year old, had a seizure. I started to break down a little inside. Tons of thoughts running through my head, I didn’t know what to think or do. Since my parents were at the hospital, I was in charge till my aunt could come be with us. At this time I was trying to keep calm and positive, but the truth was that I had no idea if my baby brother would be okay. Some time passed as my siblings and I patiently awaited for some news. Some hopefully good news. My mom had called to let …show more content…

I called my dad and he quickly returned home to help my mom. We called the nurse and she assured us that everything was okay and gave us some things to do to reduce his high temperature. A few days later my little brother was better. I was so relieved and thankful that my little brother would be okay. This is something we need to keep constant watch with until he turns five, but for now he was okay and that was all that mattered. Looking back on this whole situation had me thinking how much our parents go through for us. For this reason my mom is my hero. It wasn’t till I got older that I truly realized how much she has done for my siblings and I, and I probably don’t know the entirety of everything she has done. Mom’s are some of the strongest and bravest warriors there are. If you ask me what a hero is, I’ll describe to you my

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