
Personal Narrative: When I Break My Mom's Car

Decent Essays

I broke my arm at a birthday party, let me explain! So, first Mom and I went in my Mom's car to leave, we go and were lost. We stop to figure out where to go. We figure out where to go and were on our merry ways! First, we went outside and went down a steep hill. The hill was slanted at 81*. And guess what, we went down with scooters. We also went down with a bike, I launched in the grass, but that isn't the time I broke my arm! I did millions going down with a bike! Our last and final ride down with a scooter didn't go so well, or at least for me! I went down all smooth, I take one sharp turn AND THE HANDLE FALLS OFF THE SCOOTER, how does that happen! Long story short, I fell down and fractured my left wrist. But that is not all,

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