
Personal Narrative: While I Left The Jail

Decent Essays

After we left the jail I went to work. While I was at work Debra kept texting me, because she wanted to talk about things. “I’m not ready to talk to you yet. You crossed the line in our friendship” I responded to her. I didn’t talk to Debra all weekend, but Monday when I went to school I found out some more information that completely ruined our friendship. “Hey, Brandy I need to talk to you,” said Brienna. “What’s wrong?” I asked Brienna. “Well,” she began “Debra told me that she slept with Shanon while you guys were dating.” When Brienna told me that, I just couldn’t believe it. I was so mad and upset that I couldn’t even talk to Debra about it. But, Debra knew that I found out and never tried to talk to me about it. After finding out that

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