
Personal Narrative: Why I Am Today

Decent Essays

There are many experiences that I look back on as why I am who I am today. One of these experiences came from my 9th grade biology class. On the second day of school, our teacher Coach Smith asked us if we wanted to get shocked. He pulled out a small machine and told us that it could deliver small electrical pulses that would stimulate our nerves. When we asked what that would do to us, he smiled and said we would have to wait and see. I volunteered immediately, intrigued at the idea. He placed the machine on my forearm and switched it on. I watched as my hand took on a life of its own. He let other students who wanted to try the machine out and answered all of our questions patiently. He then said there was another experiment he would try …show more content…

One thing I would like to tell a future roommate is that I’m always trying to find something new to entertain myself. Whether it’s trying to find a new show to watch, new music to listen to, crafts to distract myself with, new books to explore, or interesting facts on the internet, I’m almost always on the hunt for new experiences. I’m someone who gets bored pretty easily and I always need something new to look forward to doing. Unfortunately, this means I can get distracted when I find something that catches my interest. There have been days where I didn’t sleep to finish a new book from my favorite series or times when I’ve avoided studying to learn the history of the Hiram Bingum because it captured my attention. My room is usually strewn with books I’m in the process of reading, craft supplies I’ve been using, pencils and pens so I can jot down ideas, and my phone and laptop sitting where I left them until something else drew my attention. I’m generally pretty good at keeping the disaster area as small as possible, but I can make a mess when I’m not paying attention. The benefits of this habit, however, have always exceed the cost for me. I’ve been able to learn more about subjects I would never have been able to otherwise. I would love to share these experiences and knowledge I’ve found with this habit with my roommates in the

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