
Personal Narrative: Why There Is Something So Unplanned?

Decent Essays

As I finally realized that I was once again going to be an older sister, my stomach was in knots. After having a little sister and a little brother previously, I didn’t know if I would want another troublesome baby to pester me. When my mom told my younger siblings and I about the unimaginable news, I remember thinking, “Why another one?” I couldn’t believe that something so unplanned could’ve happened. I was alike any other 10 year old; I went shopping, I helped my mom clean and cook, I loved to eat candy, and I was slowly becoming the “pre-teen” everyone kept talking about. The summer had begun. I was going to be in the 6th grade, a middle schooler. One day, my mom came to me and asked if I wanted to go school shopping with her. Of course …show more content…

I knew that she had intended for me to come or she wouldn’t have invited me to come shopping with her. “Sure,” I answered with a disoriented look. I didn’t quite know at that moment that we were going to find out the sex of the baby until after the appointment was over. It was a boy. I was having a baby brother. I couldn’t quite describe the emotion that I was feeling. Discomfort? Excited? Anxious? All of my emotions ran through my head very …show more content…

I waited with my other siblings while the receptionist told us where we needed to go. As we walked up and down the stairs and through the seemly never-ending hallways, I felt as if everything was suddenly falling into place. This baby boy was meant to come in my life and knew that. It finally appeared, the room my mom was in. This was the moment I had been anticipating. The adults got to go in first and look, while the kids sat outside and waited. My Dad walked out, “You guys ready to see him?” Of course I was ready. He opened the door and there he was, my little baby brother. As I went to hold him for the first time, he felt so small and fragile. “What’s his name?” I asked. My mom responded, “Ethan, Ethan

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