
Personal Note On My Identity Moratorium Ended Up Costing Me

Decent Essays

When I was little, I was the kid who wanted to be everything when I grew up. One week was an astronaut, another week I wanted to be a doctor, two months later I wanted to be a race car driver. Oddly enough, I never considered being a teacher as a career choice, ever. During my high school years, we would have career fairs to help us decide our futures; I always managed to skip those days. By the end of high school I had foreclosed on the idea that I was going to be in graphic design, since according to my magnet school and my parents, that seemed to be the only thing I could do. There was no point in looking at other careers, there was nothing else that I could do. An associates in multimedia two years later helped me realize that it …show more content…

My deficiency needs were completely threatened by the cancer. My survival was at risk, I felt like I had no sense of belonging with my friends and family because I was the only one who had this type of cancer, and my self-esteem just completely dropped through the floor. However, after my first treatment, I met other patients who were going through the same thing that I was, and suddenly my need for relatedness was fulfilled. I no longer felt alone. One lovely woman I met was an elementary school teacher; we spent hours of our chemotherapy sessions talking about her kids in the class, how much she loved them and how rewarding it was for her to teach. During this time, I was more worried and concerned about survival then what she was telling me however looking back on it, I can see how valuable teaching was to her life by the way she talked about it. This woman who I only met once, and never saw again, left an impression on me that pushed me in the direction of teaching. I had a pretty vast microsystem while dealing with my cancer. There was my boyfriend, who remained with me the entire time, as well as my mother would hardly leave me alone. There was also my team of doctors and nurses, most of them I knew by name. I had in total 4 doctors during the various stages of my cancer, and twice as many nurses. They were my support and my social interaction. These new people were there for me during the hardest time of my life. They showed me kindness and compassion

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