
Personal Reflection : My High School Experience In Writing

Decent Essays

As my Writing 39C course comes to a close, now is a great time to look at the journey I have taken to get here. I’ll start with my high school experience with writing. Although, I wasn’t a terrible writer, I didn’t strive to be the best writer I could be. Although I had a decent writing skill, enough to pass the AP English exam at least, I never really pushed my writing abilities to anything beyond the minimum amount needed to pass with a decent grade. Once I got to college, however, writing was a different story. When I came into Writing 39B, I felt it would be something similar to my experiences in my high school AP English classes. Do the assignments with a minimal amount of work in order to get a decent grade, and just pass the class. However, as the course proceeded, I learned that I actually needed to make an effort to apply skill to my writing in order to do well. This was the first time I actually had to rigorously challenge my current skills in order to improve. As 39B came to a close, I felt that I had actually improved my composition skill. Writing 39C was now where I solidified and revised some of the techniques I learned in 39B, broke some bad habits, and worked to understand my style of writing. Working through the Historical Conservation Project (HCP) and Advocacy Project (AP), I have pushed myself to improve my writing skill. Although I have learned a lot throughout this quarters here at UCI, I want to emphasize three main areas that I have made great strides in: research, drafting, and revision.
I came into Writing 39C with some formal lessons on how to research, mainly from high school. However, since I was taught those lessons years ago, I came into Writing 39C with a clear head. My primary research focus throughout the quarter was on copyright law and how the current law is out of touch with the Internet age. I got this idea from a course I took in the previous quarter. The course was on cyberspeech and gaming, with a focus on obscenity laws and, the thing I found most interesting, copyright and fair use. Given my interest in the topic and slight familiarity, I chose to tackle the problem of copyright law and fair use. Starting my research, I immediately went to

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