
Personal Reflection On The Meaning Of Terrorism In The Film 'Mumbai Massacre'

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A personal reflection on the meaning of terrorism and the assumptions made regarding it reveal, having viewed the film ‘Mumbai Massacre’, a rudimentary view on the horrors inflicted upon victims and the malice which incited such acts of violence. Where media feeds the public information on all matters regarding violence the ordinary person, such as myself, I fear to have become increasingly detached from the pain and hatred so often reported within the news. Though compassion is held toward the victims I found myself disassociating the horrors and immorality of the event from the emotional pain that victims must endure. In addition, it appears to have become lost on me the sophistication of terror attacks during stages of planning, preparation and execution whereas I had become accustomed to attributing terrorist acts to a radicalised individual experiencing a violent surge of anger and thus engaging in a senseless acts of terror. Instead, the film revealed to (or perhaps reminded) me of the lengths radical organisation will go to execute such horrors. Perhaps the most prevalent tool in this carefully executed plan was the effective use of modern technology severely enabling the multi-faceted attack. From a different perspective, I understood the same tools and motivations held by the terrorist to execute their crimes were vital to the victims in ensuring their survival, whether that is, amongst other things, religious beliefs or technology. The film has revealed number of personal preconceived ideas regarding terrorist acts and associated feelings that the following writing shall address. During the viewing of the film a realisation came that contrary to my belief terrorist attacks are executed with great care and diligence, extensive planning and a central mission. Though ignorant of me, the image I held of terrorist attacks reported on by the media was of a lone radicalised individual acting rashly and without thought. The terrorist group in the film showed neither incoordination nor rash thinking but rather a group with a clear mission in mind acting toward it with precision and patience. This invoked the thought that perhaps local law enforcements around the globe are similarly taken aback by the

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