
Personal Response To The Movie The Blind Side

Satisfactory Essays

This is a personal response to the film The Blind side.|

The Blind Side is a film based on a true story about a boy named Michael Oher. He comes from a dysfunctional family background, his mother a drug addict and his father leaving merely weeks after he was born. Michael ends up homeless and with nothing but the clothes on his back, until he is moved to a new school where he meets the Tuohys. The Tuohy family soon discover that he has nowhere to go and takes him into their home, after living with them for a while the Tuohys become Michael’s legal guardians and find that he has a big future within American football. This is due to his large frame and size. However in order to get scholarships that Michael has been offered he must work hard to get his grades up to standard.

The way Michael was represented in this film was really heart wrenching to me, we see how this young boy who has nothing just takes life as it comes. Michael is a true example of someone with resilience, we see him gathering up the food left behind after a volleyball match at his school, he has no home and yet he finds himself somewhere to go every night, he has only the clothes on his back and so he makes sure to wash them every night. This is a boy who not only has a strong sense of resilience, he also has a determination about him. A will to live as you are supposed to, no matter how difficult it may be. We are told later in the film by michael of his hardship and rough upbringing when he says “I’ve

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