I have a talent that I am proud of that will help me get through High School and will potentially help me for my future in college and after that. The talent that I have is my skill at solving logical problems and finding tricky solutions. I believe that this is an important talent is because it helps me do better at math than some people because it allows me to think about ways I can solve problems easier. I believe that this will help me because I will be able to perform better in math allowing me to major in Mathematics so I can become a math teacher. This also allows me to perform well in Engineering because math is one of the most important tools that you will need in order to be a good engineer. Due to my impressive skills and being able
Hi! Im Shelby from MMS.I am super eager to be a freshman at highschool next year but i'm also nervous.With being eager and nervous I am also really adventurous, creative, curious about how things work,and kind. I wouldnt say im the best student because I am still working on managing my time wisely. I can work well under pressure but I don't want to have to in the future.I also have to work on turning things in on time.I have to be a good example because I am the oldest of two half brothers.One goes to Kindergarten academy right now his name is Elijah.And my other half brother goes to West shore academy the private school, his name is Jackson. They are both in kindergarten.
All my life I have been indecisive about the career path I should take, but lately I have taken into consideration a job that accommodates me. In a career as an elementary teacher it focuses on teaching kids the fundamental subjects including math, science, language arts, social studies, and the arts ; anywhere from kindergarten to about the fifth grade. Besides teaching them academic skills, teachers look into the child’s exceeding abilities and their weaker ones. I feel that at this moment this is the career that suits me and appeals as most interesting, because it can be considered a long term job. Apart of that it has its benefits like good
Ever since I was a child, I wanted to help people in whatever way I could. During my high school career, I have had a manifold of opportunities and experiences to help people through various measures. Some include assisting my fellow Scouts’ with their Eagle projects or volunteering as a Special Olympics summer camp counselor. Participating in National Honor Society and Key Club in high school, both service oriented organizations, has exposed me to giving back to my school, as well as my community. As an Eagle Scout, living the Scout Oath of “to help others at all times,” strikes a spark and desire in me; an ambition of mine. However, I do not want to stop at the high school level. It is extremely important for me to continue in my education and attend college.
It was May 25, 2018 at 7:47 in a steaming hot gymnasium when the name Anthony Joseph Sansalone was getting called from the loud speaker, the sixth to last person to receive their diploma I begun shaking the hands of all the board members and everything that I had known from the last 13 years at the same school was over and a new chapter of my life was stating to begin. A few seconds after receiving my diploma the Class President guided us to changing of our tassels from right to left then commencement was over and I was walking out with my future roommate at BGSU, Vincent Zhang, we looked at each other knowing that our high school career was descending and our college careers were lifting off together. High school was tuff for me due to the fact that I have know what I wanted to do since I was a freshman, I want to become an animator and work for an Academy Award winning company such as
Every high school student becomes anxious when waiting for that day to graduate but as graduation gets closer we become more worried on what we will do next and how we will pursue our career out there in the real world. Senior year is about applying to any colleges or universities that will judge you based on how you did throughout your high school years. In addition, the career i'm going to pursue when I graduate and leave high school is in the criminology and criminal justice studies. With a bachelor in criminology and criminal justice I have a variety of jobs I can pick out of. My first choice is to become a customs and border protection officer because I want to protect what enters the U.S. and to keep terrorist from entering. My second
“Soon shall thy arm, UNCONQUER'D STEAM! Afar; Drag the slow barge, or drive the rapid car;
Passion is necessary to excel. Once someone loses desire or motivation for something it becomes quite difficult to continue doing well in that field. I went through a crisis of lost motivation in my first two years of high school.
Going into high school will be very emotional I will be excited, nervous, scared, and sad because I am leaving VPA. I have made many friends like my ranch buddy, and learned many things in my 8 years of being here. This school has taught me many things like leadership, friendship, and good character. Although I have faced many challenges at vpa I have found a way to work through them and learn something along the way.
Through out my high school career I never took my education seriously. For most of the four years it was a big blur. I’m not quite sure if it was because of me or if I found myself blaming my surroundings or teachers for my lack of focus and strive to learn. A failure can mean different things to everyone else. Maybe there’s just different types or categories of failures. These failures are meant to teach us something, or motivate us to simply not make these mistakes again.
In high school all freshman 's were taken on a trip upstate to Camp Ramapo, of course everyone was excited to go, little did we know we were all in for a surprise. Upon arrival we all realized that our cellphones had no service we all thought it would be a momentary situation, turns out it was not. We would spend 3 nights and 4 days disconnected from the world, no Facebook, at the time aim, or text messaging. I remember we were all shocked and mad at the thought of not being able to use our phones. The trip started off poorly everyone seemed disinterested in participating in activities, so the camp consolers decided that we would all break off into small groups. It all appeared to be pointless because still no one was willing to participate in the activities, but suddenly we were all asked to share our names and something interesting about ourselves. After we had all shared things changed suddenly, I personally began interacting with people who I had not spoken to at all throughout my first semester which was shocking since I had class with most of them. After the 4 days were over, I came to the realization that those had been the best days of my life. I was able to meet new people even though they weren 't necessary new in my eyes, I participated in activities I had never done before, and most of all I wasn 't so worried about who had and hadn 't texted me, or what the latest news/gossip was. It took this trip for me to realize that I was so disconnected from my
Glancing back at my high school years I would say it was difficult. I was not the individual I am today, I was indiscreet and dull. I wasn't worried about my principles. The beginning of high school is the most basic year that will set your GPA for what's to come. Raising your GPA won't be a simple thing to do. Concerning me I had begun with a moderate GPA, however, all through the rest of my high school years I needed to work hard to bring it up.
I come from a big family many aunts and uncles from a little ranch in Chihuahua, Mex. Many of which have never made it past grade school. Mainly due to their mother, my grandma, she had gotten very ill and many of them would have to drop out of school and work to help pay for her medication and medical expenses. The older siblings had to take of the younger ones. Times were tough the ultimately they all had to drop out and work. Which for the younger generation of the family, my generation, our schooling is our top priority. They are there to help lend a hand to the best of their abilities to see us succeed. I have taken this very seriously and I will not let them down
As one approaches the middle of his high school career, it is good to acknowledge the progress he has made and the goals he should accomplish. Jesuit has established a description containing five points in which a graduate should have improved during his high school career. This description contains great goals to strive for during school and in the future. During my first three years at Jesuit, I have improved in two ways: becoming more open to growth and more committed to doing justice.
I am very excited for this school year. I will finally be in high school next year! While I am in this school building, I have some goals to keep me motivated in my learning experience. One of my goal is to get straight A's. I have never got A's all school year before and I am really hoping that I can stay focused on my work and make my teachers very happy with my success. Another goal is to befriend everyone in my class. Since there is a difference in kids’ choices of whether or not to do advanced classes, I have students in my classes that I never had. I know almost everyone in 8th grade, but there are some classmates that I don't normally talk to and I would love to get to know them
8:00 am. Get to class, don't make eye contact, sit down quietly, participate only when necessary. These are the actions taken by a freshman straight out of high school, just about two weeks after her graduation, to fit in to a totally new community. Coming from an all girls school in the upper east side, Berkeley College was and, sometimes still is, a culture shock. My high school only had approximately 200 girls overall and I graduated with only a class of 36 girls, even a class size too small for that school, but Berkeley College has however many campuses stocked with people. But high school was high school and this is college. It’s time for me to grow up, mature, and take responsibility for my own establishment in this world, but how?