
Personal Statement For Flight Engineering

Decent Essays

I quite remember my grandmother asking me what I wanted to be in the future and my answer was always flight engineer. She, of course did not have a clue who a flight engineer was or what the profession entailed, but my father, on the other hand would always smile at me and nod to himself with a slight grin as if to say, he couldn’t wait to see that day. Personally, my passion for information systems began at an early age of 13years. The vivid memory of the very first day I touched a laptop and the day I received a reply to an email is still fresh in my mind simply because I talked about these for the next 3 months. I had so many questions about why a posted letter would have taken almost a month to reach its destination but an email did that in less than a minute. …show more content…

Secondly, my chances of getting admission into a master’s programme without some prior post postgraduate foundation became slimmer after graduating with third-class honours first degree. I must confess, this was one of the very low points in my life until I chanced on the quote “Leaders never use the word failure. They look upon setbacks as learning experiences.” by Brian Tracy. These two sentences rekindled the desire in me to look for other ways I could qualify for a master’s degree. With the rapid pace at which things change in the 21st century, one always needs to upgrade or acquire new skills to stay abreast with the ever-changing world of technology. Competition for the few jobs in the industry is keen and I consider the postgraduate diploma programme as the perfect starting point for the next phase of my career. For me, this opportunity is a chance to improve myself and I am resolute in my mind and body for nothing but excellence in this

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