
My 3 Values Essay

Decent Essays

“Maturity is achieved when a person postpones immediate pleasures for long-term values,” according to Joshua Liebman. Values can be just about anything that you can imagine. My 3 values are respect, loyalty, and honesty. I believe that my three values are what describe me and will help me when I’m older with the decisions that I make.

Respect is one of the most important values to me because they mostly matter in the way that if someone shows no respect for you or others they more than likely have no respect coming to themselves or showing it to others. To be respected, learn to respect others to show growth and maturity. If we don’t learn at an earlier age to respect others, such as our peers, adults, or parents, we would never be …show more content…

She stayed in Mexico for the next 4 years, having my brother Bryan, and still wanting to come to America, She once again got pregnant, with me, she crossed the border, following my soon to be father, Erick, grew up not respecting my father, or my mother, for the main reason that he wasn’t educated properly on respect, he would have to learn it, it took him years, and some spankings, my brother and I, we learned how to respect just looking at the way he teached my brother how to respect others, we didn’t want to be hit, so we watched and learned how to respect, the respect that was hit into my brother, it made him great, he’s graduating in a few years with a bachelor's degree, in engineering, I believe that he being taught respect, helped him grow, and excel, and also it helps me and my brother a lot, it taught us to learn and respect each …show more content…

To have loyalty in life, can go a long way, most of my values, and goals, the mostly contribute to the fact that, promotion and advancement are the two main consistent goals in my life. Loyalty contributes to many things in life such as how we work relationships. Loyalty is treated in my different ways, I had a dog named Rex, he was a small Pitbull mixed with Boxer, him and I, were playing outside one day, he saw another boy, and ran off with him, I thought he would’ve came back, but he never showed up, I thought I could never have another dog without knowing what happened to my first dog. I realized that you have to move on from the hard and difficult and just accept life, even if it is hard, just never giving up or not stopping because of one person or of one thing that is making you stop and not accomplish \ your dreams. Loyalty is the second value most important to me in my 3 values, such as respect, loyalty, and

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