
Personal Statement: What Role Did You Play In The Group

Decent Essays

What role did You play in the group? Were you a leader? A follower? Or somewhere in-between?
As a member of PR Team 2 I attempted to be the team motivator. Since I’ve never worked with Scott or Michelle before I thought it was important to show them that I was a willing and flexible team member. So, I made an extra effort to engage the members of the team regularly without being pushy. I wouldn’t consider myself the leader of the team. However, on occasion I had to accept leadership responsibilities, because my grade in the class is extremely important. Therefore, I would arrange the shared google document weekly, so that the team could collaborate and complete the assignments on a timely basis.
Which content produced by the group do you feel you made the largest contribution to? Why?
In my opinion my most significant contributions to Chris Brown’s Public Relations Plan were the events in Module 3 and the Social Media plan in …show more content…

Therefore, to increase the potential to receive positive press coverage the team had to cover all the bases. The team decided to design specific press releases for social media and other media outlets. Also, content saturation is one of the most important considerations that the team had to cope with. I truly believe that the team discovered that it was essential to thoroughly understand Chris Brown position with the target audience, because this will profoundly determine the team’s ability to launch a successful public relations plan that will effectively rebrand Chris. Furthermore, our public-relations team realized that reputation was a critical factor and it could be used to develop a mutual understanding with the target audience. So, the team put a special emphasis on presenting a different version of our client to build a new reputation, because the team, could not change the

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