
Personal and Occupational Development Throughout the Lifespan

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Personal and Occupational Development throughout the Lifespan The following essay will use a lifespan perspective to discuss how major transitions can influence both occupational and personal development. Using occupation as a coping strategy during stressful transitions will also be explored. The narrative discussed was derived from an informal, semi-structured interview. Occupational development will explore how the meanings associated with occupations can change and how this can be reflective of their current life-stage. The essay will begin with an outline of the precautions taken to maintain the interviewee’s confidentiality. This will be followed by a brief explanation of the lifespan and occupational models that will be used throughout the essay. A summary of the interviewee’s narrative will then be provided. This will be expanded upon by using lifespan theories. Confidentiality Seidman (2013) identified a number of ways of maintaining a participant’s anonymity when conducting an interview. Consideration was give to these guidelines throughout the essay. The pseudonym ‘Chloe’ was used to refer to the interviewee for the purposes of the essay. Along with this, identifying details such have been removed or changed. The specific nature of the Chloe’s routine, activities and occupations have also been change, (Seidman, 2013). These precautions were made in order to disguise the participant’s identity and to help maintain confidentiality. The interview notes were stored

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