
Personification Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Literary Device Analysis #3: Personification

Personification is a literary device that applies human or living traits to a non-human or non-living thing. For example, if one said “ the wind whistled through the trees,” they would be using personification as wind can’t actually whistle. Whistling is a human characteristic or action.
One sentence of the text is “flies tapping at a far-off windowpane” (Doerr p. 13, lines 2-3)
The book is set around World War 2. That sentence of the text is describing the sounds Werner wakes to when he’s camped at the Hotel of Bees. It’s a personification because tapping is a human trait. Flies can’t tap at the window. It’s understandable, however, what sound is being implied and the use of this personification

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