
Perspectives On Mental Health

Decent Essays

Detriments of Perspective on Mental Health When the topic of mental health is discussed it refers to one’s psychological and emotional well being. I have chosen to write about this topic because my brother has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Bipolar Disorder is categorized as “a disorder associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs” when schizophrenia is “a disorder that affects a person’s ability to think, feel, and behave clearly.” Although these two disorders are frequently heard about, there are still over 200 classified forms of mental illnesses that the general public is unaware of. Through the process of composing this paper …show more content…

While the cause of mental illnesses is not exactly known yet, research proves that many of these conditions can be caused by a combination of genetic, biological, psychological, and environmental factors. Contrary to popular stereotyping, it is not personal weakness that those with lack of understanding claims it to be. While it is possible to inherit a mental illness and have biological ties to a disorder, it is also common for mental illnesses to be triggered due to psychological trauma. Some examples that can stir up emotional damage include sexual abuse, the loss of a parent at a young age, and neglect. Other triggers may include transferring schools and moving around while young, overall triggers may vary for everybody at different levels. These triggers are known as environmental stressors that can cause mental illness. However, these factors along with the emotional damage that it creates are often overlooked by bystanders due to lack of understanding or …show more content…

Mental health patients are often singled out out due to others’ fear of their mental state, and because of that they’re not given a chance to be understood. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, “about 25% of American adults (those ages 18 and older) and about 13% of American children (those ages 8 to 15) are diagnosed with a mental disorder during a given year.” Although anyone can be affected by mental health illness, stereotypes are still prevalent. But just because an individual is diagnosed with a mental disorder does not mean he or she is, “a wack job” or “crazy.” If caught early and treated, an individual may recover quickly. And even if not, the correct treatment can help them to function normally and go about their normal activities. The lack of understanding of mental disorders is often the reason that stigma towards it exist, and ultimately diminishes any possible compassion or empathy from others that’s essential to help those in

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