
Persuasive Essay About Drugs

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Do you know Russell Gerald, probably not, because he’s dead. He was a great man and was a heroin user, not a full-time user just a dabbler (someone who occasionally does drugs but is never fully addicted) and one night he shot heroin (use heroin) and died. His brother checked on him and thought he was sleeping so he left, so he didn’t wake his brother. When he came back, he was in the same position, which made his brother check on him, and he rolled him over, and he wasn’t breathing. As a kid I am a curious person and drugs always puzzled me, why people did them, how are they made, what do they do and anything you can think about drugs. So when I heard about this I wanted to learn. I never want to do drugs and I want to know signs of drug abusers and year after year thousands die to drugs and just one dose can kill someone, just one. My main question is what they do and how to stop it. Like how do people use/make drugs or how can I prevent it. This problem can’t be stopped but it can be delayed, you need to refuse to do drugs or if your doing drugs you need to stop, the reason it can’t be stopped is that there are always people who do stupid things and they keep doing drugs and until they die, they don’t stop.
Drug addiction, we have all heard of it, one way or another whether it is in school or you hear your parents talking about drugs. It is causing so many deaths with people because they are afraid of calling the cops or the ambulance because drugs are illegal and if they tell them they were using drugs, they will get arrested. According to Discovery Huffing is the worst, because you do it once and you start to get worried and then you run, then you collapse and they try to save you, but they can’t and then you die, you don’t get a chance to stop. You do it once and you immediately have a chance of dying. In conclusion Drug addiction and huffing is bad and we need to solve it! So I guess you read about the problems, so I believe you are wondering “But what or are there solutions”. So stop asking and listen. The solutions are all based on you, Like in Discovery the people who were interviewed don’t really talk about solutions but you know they regret it. So now I believe it is up to you, you need to

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