
Persuasive Essay About Immigration

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Imagine its September, and you recently moved across the U.S. from California to New York City. You are starting your first day at a downtown public high school and you walk in the big arch way of the front of the school. You start seeing teens your age, and immediately you notice how they talk and ack is completely foreign to you. The language is English but they all have accents that is hard to understand. You start math class and they all know what is going on, but you are lost, you eventually find a new way to solve math faster than the other students. Why I gave this analogy is different scenario on how immigration might seem to new foreigners. They feel left out but find their niche and help to better the community. Immigrants are an essential part of our society, they help to better our community and make the world we live in a little more interesting. Sometimes people tend to forget that America was built from immigrants, they helped to forge the way that we call the American dream. Much of what we know, and love was built by immigrants or even made in a foreign country. All of us are immigrants at heart except for a select few, they are known as Native Americans. Anybody who says they are opposes immigration basically just deported themselves.
The history of immigration has been occurring sense the beginning of man. There is much to explain, but I don’t have permission to waste that much of your time, so I am just going to cover American immigration history. It all

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