
Persuasive Essay: Embryonic Stem Cell Research Debate

Decent Essays

Embryonic stem cell research has been a debated topic for many years now. After reading about this topic, I was torn between the two sides. My religion says that it is not right, but then again my heart says that funding for this program needs to be provided. My religion states that a human being is made at conception. Most people argue that the baby dies from this, causing me to think that the research is actually murder. However, there are ways that stem cell research can be done without the baby dying. If the embryos were to die, I would be against stem cell research. Stem cell research has the potential to cure many things, including the most widespread disease, cancer.
One of the main arguments of this topic comes from religious views. My religion states that life is …show more content…

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be (David).” In this verse alone, all arguments that relate to the death of an unborn child are invalid. Even though I believe this verse is the truth, I

Bates 2 still believe that the majority of the population should be saved. Controversy to my personal religion, stem cell research is a positive thing that can help many people.
During in vitro fertilization, many eggs are harvested to help a couple that are having issues with pregnancy. The fertility doctor receives many eggs, but he only uses mature ones. The ones that are not as mature as the others, get thrown away like trash. These unused eggs could potentially be used for stem cell research. These eggs would please religious groups as well as the scientist pushing to receive more funding for the research. It is the only logical thing to do with these wasted human goods, especially when they have the potential to save millions of lives. These eggs would have never developed into mature eggs, whether or not they were fertilized.
Serious conditions such as birth defects and cancer are caused by abnormal

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