
Support of Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay

Decent Essays

Embryonic stem cell is one of the most controversial, widely discussed medical issues in the United States today. The medical use of stem cell raises difficult moral and political questions. To understand about embryonic stem cell. I thought we should discuss what embryonic stem cells are. According to Scientific American; June 2004, embryonic stem are derived from the portion of a very early stage embryo that would eventually give rise to an entire body. Because embryonic stem cells originate in this primordial stage, or having existed from the beginning. They retain the pluripotent the ability to form any cell type in the body. To cell line create an embryonic stem cell, scientist remove the inner cell mass from a blastocyst created in …show more content…

Currently stem cells have proved effective against sickle cell anemia. The use of the more versatile embryonic stem cells will speed up the process significantly because embryonic can be more easily cultivated not to mention that it can mature in to more specialized cells that adult stem cells. In addition to potential treatments, stem cells can also be used for drug testing. Drug testing of stem cells is more accurate than animal testing. Although there is no guarantee that stem cell can be delivered on all of its promises, the potential is simply too grand to avoid.

Ethical Issues with Embryonic Stem Cell. Some urologist have mixed feelings over stem cell research. According to urology time; 10/1/2005, Vol. 33. Urology Times spoke with urologist from across the United States about their personal and professional perceptions of stem cell research. Is it viable and ethical? Should the government fund the research or should the funding be left to the private sectors? Louis Galdieri, MD, of West Orange, NJ stated that stem cell research is something I think is promising. The issue with embryos is, of course, a sticky one, depending on where you stand. Ethically and logically, it’s difficult. Louis Galdieri, stated that “he is catholic, so he would tend not to want to use embryonic stem cells if we don’t need to” He continued. If there is an alternate source that would give us the same potential, I would want to do that instead. Lyman R. Brothers

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