
Persuasive Essay : Going On A Mission Trip To Our World

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Here’s a number: 800. That’s about one and a half times the amount of people in our high school. It’s also the estimated number of children who die each day due to diarrhoeal diseases caused by unclean and unsafe drinking water (WaterAid). That being said, here in the United States, almost anyone can walk up to a drinking fountain and clean water will shoot out. My whole life I have taken too many opportunities and freedoms for granted, which is why someday, I want to go on a mission trip to help people in need.
Before hearing about the need in different parts of our world, I never considered going on a mission trip. Last summer during show choir camp, our choreographer told us about a charity called Thirst Project. Thirst Project is an organization that builds wells in Africa so the citizens can have clean drinking water. Knowing that there are people out there drinking brown, gunky water filled with animal feces breaks my heart, because there are steps that we can all take to help solve that problem. For me, one of those steps is going on a mission trip. If I could help even one person live a higher quality life, I will be satisfied, knowing that I have made a purpose to my life. Another time that my eyes were opened was this summer. One of my friends went on a mission trip to Haiti with her church, and seeing pictures from their trip moved me to have an even stronger desire to go on one myself. Both the children in Haiti and the people serving them were both so joyful,

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