
Persuasive Essay: How To Become An Organ Donor

Decent Essays

Many people are unaware of the fact that they can donate their organs. They also have no idea that over 120,000 people are currently on the waiting list for organs. Lastly, they don’t know that an average of 20 patients die each day waiting for organs. Another large portion of people think that they can’t donate. Some think that they are too old or have some type of disease that could take away their ability to donate. The reality is that in almost everywhere, there is no age limit and even if they have a disease, there are likely still organs that they can donate.

Living and deceased. The most common organ that is donated while living is the kidney, but you can also donate your lung, liver, and very rarely the pancreas and intestine. Most of the time, living donors donate their organs to family members and close friends, but it is still possible to donate to an anonymous patient. To become a living donor, you have to be at least 18 years old and have no medical conditions. …show more content…

To become an organ donor, you can register with your state’s organ donor registry, say yes to organ donation when you apply or renew your driver’s licence, and you can sign a donor card if it is

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