
Persuasive Essay On Abortion

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“I had finally come to terms with the fact that the only thing that made my daughter any different than all those tiny babies, I had terminated, was the fact that I wanted her” “I was at last able to see what I had not allowed myself to see in all those years of doing terminations.” - Dr Yvonne Moore, Memphis Tennessee Many women in today's society who can’t support their new baby think, abortion is the best thing they can do. Society thinks that if they can’t support their baby, abortion is the best thing. These children don’t have a voice telling them they want to have a chance to live.
Many abortion doctors don’t realize the harm and tragedy they are also causing. As Dr. Anthony Levatino from Albany, New York said this before deciding to resign from his job as an abortion doctor, “I am killing somebody’s child” and he later resigned from his job.
Abortion was banned in 30 states until 1973, then the supreme court decided that abortion will be legal in all 50 states, but each state can decide which abortions can and can’t be performed. There are many methods to kill the fetus during an abortion. One of the ways to have an abortion is a Partial Birth Abortion. The unborn baby is delivered feet first, except for the head, which is punctured at the base of the skull with a sharp object. The brain is then suctioned out, killing the child.
(This method became illegal in the United Stated in 2007, but is still used in other countries.) Another method is Dilation and

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