
Persuasive Essay On Abortion

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Abortion is murder to an innocent baby and I think it should be illegal. They don’t have an opportunity to choose life or death, its chosen for them. There are two types of abortion one known as a “miscarriage” and that doesn’t take a medical procedure or you have artificially induced abortion where you murder the baby. I do not believe in artificially induced abortion and I would never have one. If you don’t believe in abortion or are against it you should not have one. The baby might still be in your body but its a baby, its alive and it can feel the same pain that we feel as humans. For me being a teen I couldn’t imagine saying I was going to have an abortion. Killing a baby as a teen I think would be even harder than if I was older. If I killed a baby that has done absolutely nothing and had no chance of getting to see the earth or the future it holds would honestly make me very depressed. On the other hand if you don’t want the baby I guess there is a case where you should have an abortion if you’re not going to take care of it or give it the attention that it needs. There is always the answer of putting the baby up for adoption after you have it. The United States started to legalize abortion in every state at the start of the
19th century, the first half of it. Every state had an abortion statute. In America almost half of the women in the world have aborted at least one pregnancy. Now in this day many people have different opinions on abortion like whether or not it should be legal or illegal. It’s morals and beliefs, not if you think it is right or wrong because what if you were in the shoes of a teenage girl who didn’t mean to get pregnant or was a rape victim. She’s a teen and she was put in a tough situation, she doesn’t necessarily want a baby at that age. She could have it and then put it up for adoption. Then you have to think about the baby and put yourself in its position and think about how much pain it is going to feel when its getting aborted. The United States has a history with abortion and it is far more complicated than most people know. Abortion has been varying for more than 200 years and many separate court cases have dealt with abortion but the main one that is most significant;

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