
Persuasive Essay On Abortion

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In the US around, fifty-one percent of pregnancies are unintended. With thirty-one percent of those being unwanted. This statistic comes from the CDC. It is an unfortunate thing that, that many pregnancies go unwanted, but within those unwanted pregnancies rape does play a role. Five percent of rape victims do occur an unwanted. In the United States there are options and one of those options is of course giving your child away for adoption, but women should have more options. Women should have the option to have abortion and other pro-life choices. They should have the right to choose the options they want. There are numerous things that could assist them. There’s medical, financial disadvantages that come along with having a child dealing with a pro nine months and very large social stigmas that affect their lives.
According to the Colorado Department of Health and impairment unexpected pregnancies have a higher risk of birth defects and can cause long term development issues. These include low birth rate, child abuse, postpartum depression, lower education teaming, and a higher risk of all violence during pregnancy. It’s important to have an abortion as an option in a situation where the pregnancies are not planned to prevent harm both mother and child. Whether abortion is legal or not women will continue to terminate their pregnancy either way. According to the World Health Organization there were 19 million on scape abortion in 2000 these are performed using hangers,

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