
Persuasive Essay On Abortion Vs Murder

Decent Essays

Abortion is a big story in America and is debated whether it should be legal or not. In fact, Is this about women's rights vs murder. Some people think woman have the right to do what they want to their body and can choose to get abortions, but what they don’t think about is the baby and who they are really harming. Consequently Women are getting abortions due to something tragic that happen to them or just because of family reasons. Only a small percentage of abortions are due to rape or incest but no matter what Women should still not be allowed to get abortions. An unborn baby can hear the mother's voice at 20 weeks, feels pain at 14 weeks, has functioning organs at 11 weeks, and has a detectable heartbeat in as little as only six weeks. Mattie Brinkerhoff writes in 1869: “ When a man steals to satisfy hunger, we can safely assume that there is something wrong in society so when a woman destroys the life of her unborn child, it is an evidence that either by education or circumstances she has been greatly wronged.”There is also a large percentage of women getting pregnant and regretting …show more content…

“We mourn the loss of 57 million American children that we will never meet. We will never know what they might have contributed to this world” states Serrin M. Foster. A fetus is a human being and has a right to life. Human life should be embraced as a blessing from God. Furthermore women do not realize what they are doing to themselves and their baby, and the pain they both go through is unbearable. This should not be about woman having a right to murder their own child because murder is murder no matter if it is women's right or not. As a result of abortions, there is a five to ten year period of denial in which a woman was traumatized and or have body

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