
Persuasive Essay On Aggressive Driving

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How many of us drove into work this morning and saw horns blaring, break checking, people being cut off, people flipping each other off and or just outright violence? I bet more often than not. Each and every day American commuters grow increasingly more likely to take all of their personal frustrations out other drivers on the road. This is what we all know very well as to be aggressive driving. Every decision we make while driving is a combination of both public and private acts. The car acts as a vessel sheltering the driver from the outside world as it takes you from point A to point B. This creates a sense of personal power and can become quite intoxicating. Aggressive driving can mean a wide variety of acts or a combination of a few acts. Acts such as excessive speeding, failing to stop or yield when in turn, improper lane changes or turns, as well as a variety of gestures such as physical or abusive language. Every day we run the chance of coming across aggressive drives. The risk not only exists during long commutes but just driving a few miles to the grocery store or to a friend’s house as well. The U.S. News and World Report on the U.S. Department of Transportation states that about two-thirds of traffic fatalities are caused, at least in part due to aggressive driving. Thankfully, there is a way to doing something about it.
The only way to overcome aggressive driving is to first get a better understanding of it. Let us first begin by addressing the problem and understand that it contains both dangers and solution that will aid in ending this growing trend. The main culprits of aggressive driving are the inattentive and or discourteous drivers. According to a story found in the Amarillo Daily News, “left-lane hogs” are the number one cause. Basically, a left-lane hog is someone who continues to drive in the left lane at a slower pace than the flow of traffic. Failing to use your turn signal before changing a lane, changing your lane while too close to another driver, and tailgating are all other discourteous acts that could trigger an aggressive driver, creating a Jekyll and Hyde transformation. The circumstances and character of the aggressive driver depends highly on law enforcements, traffic

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