
Persuasive Essay On Animal Food

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About a year ago, I asked myself a question why am I not a vegetarian? After all, I am who cares about the environment. I grew up with my vegetarian dad in a small town. I even joined a club called “Tree Huggers”. I knew that eating a mere hamburger a day could increase my risk of dying by a third. I knew that the 10 billion animals we raise each year for meat are raised in factory farmed conditions that we hypocritically wouldn’t even consider for our own cats, dogs and other pets (Bittman). Environmentally, animal farming causes more emissions than all the means of transportation combined, and beef production uses a hundred times the water that most vegetables do (Bittman). We as a society are eating twice as much meat as we did in the 50s. So, the special little side treat is now the main course. What if I told you, that we can change our world through our food choices. Animal agriculture has grown to become one of the most damaging industries on our planet. Going greener with your diet could be one of the most powerful and transformative decisions you will ever make in your life for three significant reasons. Plant-Based diet has tremendous benefits for your health, it is good for the sustainability of our planet, and it will widen your circle of compassion.
Firstly, eating a plant based diet helps improve our health. We have all heard the saying “you are what you eat”. The number one cause of death in the U.S. is our diet. The standard American diet has put the country

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