
Persuasive Essay On Brave New World

Decent Essays

We’re all thrown off of our feet, shocked every now and then. John stuns this “Brave New World” that really isn’t that brave or new, at least compared to himself. A man with all sorts of ideas and morals in his head. He throws the “civil” society into chaos, trying to preach and practice, what to him, is correct. A love of, who? A man called Shakespeare? That’s where we’ll start. Even though John was raised in the New Mexico Savagelands, a savage is not what I would consider him. He learned how to read and developed a love for it. Obsessed with a book of Shakespeare’s plays and stories, he dove right in. He uses this as a comparison to the life he leads quite often. Secondly, he connects with Helmholtz Watson on a level that neither of them have ever connected with someone before. Helmholtz always felt as if he was too smart, too intelligent for others. Then he meets John, this “savage”, and knows he can talk to him about all these things he’s never been able to talk about. A passion for something is what many don’t have in this new world society. …show more content…

They’re used to one feeling and that feeling is comfortable happiness. They don’t feel love. They don’t really have attachments, at least attachments that can make you hurt. He stops a soma distribution, trying to reach the people and tell them that this is not right. Another example of his passion is his love (maybe?) for Lenina. She tries to sleep with him constantly but he turns her down because that’s all she wants. And that is not all he wants. He always fought hard for his feelings. His mother, Linda, never wanted to be called mother and never took that role. It’s not really her fault because she didn’t know how to. Anyways, he despaired when she died, despite everything she put him through. I guess that takes a certain level of

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