
Persuasive Essay On Chihuohuas

Satisfactory Essays

The Chihuahua is the most common breed of dogs in America. However, many dog owners don't spend time to properly train a Chihuahua. They assume that the Chihuahua, being a very small dog, cannot get into too much trouble. A Chihuahua, while very delightful, and is one of the more aggressive dog breed. They can be extremely stubborn in terms of following the directions. The training of the Chihuahua should be started at younger age.

Why Is Training Important?

Chihuahuas are unique in lots of ways. First, most Chihuahuas are completely content spending all this time with you. Chihuahuas are companion dogs. They are bred to be emotionally involved to their owner. It doesn't matter where you go. It is also very important that they are appropriately …show more content…

Chihuahuas can also be very standoffish with strangers and children, aggressive with other dogs, and very easily frightened by new noises. Fortunately, all of these behaviors can be controlled with proper training.

How Do I Train a Chihuahua?

The most important thing you should do, when you're training your Chihuahua, show them who's in charge. Whether you consider it or not, your cute little dog thinks he's in charge of the house, and he will do anything he wants to, if you allow him.

You have to establish limits and show him you are the alpha of the pack. Below are a few basic tips to aid you in maintaining alpha control over your dog.

Feeding Times - Try not to let the dog decide when it is time to eat.

Walking- Take you Chihuahua for a walk at least twice a day. Be sure to control the walk and try not to let the dog walk you. When your Chihuahua is being trained, leash control is essential.

Jumping and Furniture - For small dogs like Chihuahuas, it's all too easy to let it jump onto the furniture when it wants. However, you have to control your space to impose boundaries. Don't respond to barking or

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