
Persuasive Essay On Child Marriage

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“An immigrant to the U.S. took her American-born, 14-year-old daughter to a gynecologist because the teenager claimed to have had sexual relations with a classmate. The mother wanted a hymenoplasty for her daughter to ensure she would appear to be a virgin. Unknown to her, she had been promised in marriage to a Yemeni man” (Kopelman). Child marriage is when a child or minor is married to another child or older person. The majority of the time girls are the ones who are married off, and they are often married off to men three times their age. America, believe it or not, is one the countries that still have, and allows child marriage even in modern time. The state of South Carolina has one of the lowest marriage age starting at fourteen. The marriage age for the state of South Carolina in the past was 13 if the young female was found to be pregnant. Many states require parents to sign off for their teenage children to be married, but the parents are sometimes the only one who gives consist to the marriage.These laws make marriage at a young age more difficult without a parent’s consent, but often times that is not enough to stop child marriage. Child marriage is a concern for many countries across the world. Child marriage is wrong because the child is being forced to marry, the child experiences abuse, and the child too young to make life-altering decisions.
For instance, child marriage has been around longer than Christianity, but has only been a concern for the last 30 to

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