
Persuasive Essay On Climate Change

Decent Essays

Contrary to what Oreskes and Conway I personally do not believe that climate change is not the spell of the end of Western civilization. While I do believe it is a major issue that can’t be ignored like it has been in the past, I believe it is not too late to prevent it from causing the end. We will always have to live with the consequences of anything, but we must not lose hope for any given reason. I will argue against them and provide examples of ways already put in place towards the prevention of climate change. Oreskes and Conway state that “It is difficult to understand why humans did not respond appropriately in the early Penumbral Period, when preventative measures were still possible.” This to me shows like they have given up, and if you are arguing about the impacts of climate change why would you give up? I would like to address the idea that people will always have it put in their minds that it’s too late, and this is how the world is going to end creating a feeling of doom, hopelessness, and just utter fear. To me, this idea is what I think is wrong, because yes, we will not be able to repair everything we have damaged, but we should still have hope and try to better what we can than to do nothing at all. We must still try and create methods to better our environment, and ourselves so we are not blinded by other problems that further arise. Which is why I don’t like that while Oreskes and Conway argue all the effects, and about all who’s to blame for global

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