
Persuasive Essay On Decriminalization

Decent Essays

My dear parents: I know we have many different political beliefs. Somewhere in the gap between the 2012 election and this one, I turned into what you may call “a raging liberal.” Now whether it is due to my homeschool econ classes, or just what I’ve deemed acceptable I do still tend to lean conservative on economic issues, but social issues? That’s where you and I go two very different directions. Hot topic evangelical “social issues” aside, one area I hope we may eventually find common ground on is Marijuana legalization or even just decriminalization.
In time, I’m sure y’all with both eventually decree medical Marijuana to be acceptable, but I’m hoping for more than that, I’m hoping to show you the benefits that would come with decriminalization …show more content…

Think of legalization as a plus sign, and recrimination as a minus sign. Decriminalization takes away some bad stuff, but going the extra mile with legalization adds benefits. One of the most obvious benefits to legalizing marijuana is regulation. The drug would have to follow certain standards, and this could help save consumers from overly toxic strains and sketchily processed plants. Consider what happened with alcohol and prohibition; when alcohol was made illegal people turned to sketchy homegrown substitutes, and consumption actually went up, but when it was re-legalized and re-regulated more people didn’t get drunk, but those who did got drunk more safely. Another benefit to legalizing marijuana would be the tax revenue. The government taxes undesirable behavior, and since the consumption of weed would still be undesirable, albeit legal, the government could implement a heavy tax. Like with tobacco and alcohol, those who wanted it enough would be more than willing to foot the bill, adding money into the economy instead of taking it away by the means of jail time. I could also argue the benefits of medical marijuana, and talk about legalizations effect on drug cartels, but I have neither the time nor word count for

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