
Persuasive Essay On Designer Babies

Decent Essays

Should You Be Allowed to Design Your Baby? The term designer babies come from the procedure of embryos being selected and using genetic screening to make sure inherited diseases from their parents aren’t passed down to their offspring. But today this power is becoming abused. Some people are selecting the embryos and want to use this to pick what their child will look like and taking out certain genes to ensure their dream child. They are able to create certain traits such as athleticism or intelligence also in the embryo. Genetic screening should only be used on an embryo so ensure that is will have a healthy future and a long life. It should not be used to pick out your perfect child. Parents who have a high risk of passing on a painful or fatal genetic disorder to their children often use the method of picking an embryo and determining whether or not the gene runs in them as well, some of the genes that could run in them include tay-sachs, cystic fibrosis, down syndrome, and hemophilia A. This gene can then be targeted, and taken out of the child ensuring that it will be safe from the almost inherited trait from one of its parents. This was the main purpose of this procedure when it was first developed by the English physician, Walter Heape (1855-1929). But it was later discovered that instead of taking out genes, some could be added. That is then how ‘designer babies’ started to be developed. Although most believe that genetic modification is wrong, some will

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