
Argumentative Essay On Designer Babies

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Imagine a world where having a baby was like looking through a menu at some fancy restaurant. Imagine being able to choose how a baby will look and act. As mind-boggling as it sounds, scientists and researchers came across an unbelievable discovery: it is possible to design and edit a baby however a person may like. Hanson asserts that personality, gender, appearance, intelligence, hair color, and height can be changed using technology that was originally used for animals (Hanson). These babies are called designer babies. Phillip Ball, a science writer, claims that it is possible to change the genetic makeup of an unborn baby using bio-technology. However, these changes can have more negative effects than positive. Although most countries have not legislated the use of genetic modification, studies have been done on human embryos in China (Ball).
According to “The Ethics of Designer Babies” article, a process called “in vito fertilization” must be done before any genetic changes can be made. In this process, the mother’s mature eggs are retrieved from the ovaries and taken to a lab to be combined with sperm outside of the body. They are fertilized in a petri dish. This is the reason why they are sometimes referred to as test tube babies. After fertilization, the embryo is sent back into the mother’s uterus and a “third parent” comes into play. The third parent, or the donor, has his or her mitochondrial DNA inserted into the embryo, a process known as cytoplasmic transfer.

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